What is God Showing You?


Saturday, August 1st, 2020


10:00 am – 11:00 am



Logo for the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania

This is an online mini-retreat for clergy from 10-11 a.m. For many ordained leaders, their original sense of calling to ordained life has been affected in powerful ways these days. Redesigning the mechanics of community, worship and pastoral care; the ever-greater call to understand and fight racial bias in ourselves and society; and simply handling the flow of life, including other vocations like being a parent or a partner: these all act to stretch, challenge, or affirm different parts of how we understood our initial sense of call to ordained life. Join the Most Rev. Frank Griswold and the Rev. Susan Richardson for an “unplugged” hour of contemplative space for ideas, reflection, and dialogue, toward asking what God is trying to show each one of us as we move forward. 

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Password: 567917

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