Weekly Recap 5/17/22

Tuesday, May 17th, 2022

Logo for the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania

At work for you. Last week was busy in the diocese.  In addition to site visits and securing the Gospel choir from St. Paul’s in Elkins Park for the Revival, we led a retreat for female veterans living with moral injury. We were excited to host the 2nd training at St. David’s in Wayne for the Loving Presence Initiative to combat racism. As our meeting ended, we heard news of the murder of 10 Black people in New York state - because of the color of their skin - making clear the need for a “revolution of the heart leading to a discipline of action.”

In addition, last week we:

  • Hosted meetings with clergy, deans, Board of Trustees, the Wellness Committee and youth leaders
  • Led Sunday services for 3 churches
  • Led Vestry meetings and staff meetings for 2 churches
  • Led Navajoland meet and greet for youth attending pilgrimission
  • Overhauled of streaming equipment at one of our churches. (Need help?)
  • Presented on Casting Nets for 2 churches
  • Attended the CPG partnership conference