How will you deepen your faith this summer? (6/15/22)

Wednesday, June 15th, 2022

Deepening Your Faith This Summer (June 2022)

Summer often means vacation and getting away. It is also an opportunity to reflect on our faith and deepen our relationship with Jesus.

This summer, I am asking you to deepen your faith. Read a book about Jesus. Open the Bible and see where the spirit leads you. Start a ministry at your church. Invite someone to dinner who needs company. Simply smile and say hello to a person at the checkout line. Be daring and ask someone to pray with you or invite them to church. And, share with us your ideas.

As we enter into the fall, we have the opportunity to show the world the power of Christ. We must be willing to take holy risks. We must show the world the true meaning of the Good News. Jesus came into this world and walked with us, reflecting hope, courage, strength, goodness and love - this is our faith. Let us deepen that faith and then step into the world with that power.

Our community and faith need us more than ever. Violence, hunger, poverty, discord, and division. Our faith in Christ can transform hearts and lives through the Good News.

Jesus, our Lord, is hope, courage, strength, goodness, and love. Let us proclaim Him and that power through our lives and churches.


Be Revolutionary.