Requiem - Renaissance A Choral Collaboration at St. Luke's Germantown (6/15/24)


Saturday, June 15th, 2024


1:30 pm – 2:40 pm


St. Luke's, Germantown

5421 Germantown Ave.

Philadelphia, PA 19144

United States

Requiem - Renaissance A Choral Collaboration at St. Luke's Germantown (6/15/24)

The choirs of St. James the Less and St. Luke’s Germantown in collaboration singing music from beloved Requiems and Music whose lyrics reference Transformation and Rebirth (Renaissance’s actual meaning, not the genre period) All in celebration of the growth these singers have made over this past Choral Season! Come join us, Javvieaus Stewart and Rasaan Bourke share the podium for this 2nd Annual Collaborative Performance. Free - will offering to be taken up in support of the singers.