
Begins: Friday, December 2nd, 2022 Ends: Saturday, December 3rd, 2022


Daily: 7:00 pm – 4:30 pm


St. John's Church at Diocesan Center, 23 E Airy St, Norristown, PA 19401

2022 Youth Advent

How do you experience God? Is God close or far from you? What is the world waiting and hoping for this Advent season? (For youth grades 6-12)

Advent is a time when we wait for the God who is always coming, ready to enter our hearts. We will explore where we each find the sacred in our lives and in our world, and where we long for God to come and heal us.  As we do, we will play a lot of games, share food around the table, and of course, have fun!

Join the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania Youth Ministry for our Advent Lock-In where we will create sacred space for the light of Christ as we approach the longer and darker days of winter ahead. 

This begins on 12/2 at 7 p.m. and ends on 12/2 at 4:30 p.m. 

General Schedule

Friday, December 2

7:00 pm - Arrive at St. John's Church for Opening Message & Games

9:00 pm- Compline 

9:30pm-  Group Games/ Free Time

11 pm- Lights Out


Saturday, December 3

9:00-9:30 am-  Breakfast

9:30-10:00 am-  Scavenger Hunt

10:00-12:00 pm-  Service Project

12- 1pm- Lunch 

1:00 -2:00 pm- Contemplative Stations

2:00-2:30 - Free Time 

2:30- 3:15 pm-  Collaborative Worship Creation

3:15- 3:45 pm- Create Our Sacred Space

3:45- 4:30pm-  Closing Eucharist (caregivers invited!)


Leadership Team:
Lauren Exley -
Meredith Wiggins-
Mackenzie Alexander-
Duane Howard- Chaperone