Loving Presence was a group of fifteen clergy who developed a broad plan to dismantle racism in the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania. The Loving Presence Report was presented to, and unanimously approved by, Diocesan Council, the Standing Committee and the Board of Trustees. Diocesan members are invited and encouraged to participate in these trainings led by Ki ThoughtBridge which is providing congregations with the tools and resources that will prepare them to engage in the work of dismantling racism. An overview of Loving Presence initiative, the purpose, goals, and group norms for creating a trusted community of learning will be shared with participants. Ki ThoughtBridge’s philosophy and the Integrated Model of Leadership© will be introduced and the essential skills identified that will enable the Clergy and Lay Leadership Teams (CLL) to undertake the responsibility of engaging their congregations in the challenges of anti-racism work.
- Introduction to the Adaptive Leadership: A Call to Action. Friday, December 3, 2021 from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. This session begins laying the foundation for conducting the parish and diocesan conversations on race and racism. Participants will share their concerns for this work and align them with the goals and objectives of the Adaptive Leadership Sessions. The CLL Teams will be introduced to a systems perspective and be required to develop a plan of action over the next three sessions. A History Timeline of the Diocese will be introduced as the context for understanding the cultural context and in determining appropriate next steps in the journey
- The Leadership Difference: Establishing a Shared Story. Saturday, December 4, 2021 from 8 a.m. to noon. The CLL Teams will connect through the sharing of history and will learn a process which they can use with their congregations in understanding the enlightening and healing power of their parish’s stories. Participants will be helped to begin the development of their parish history timeline. The CLL Teams will be given tools in which to create a culture of trust and create the framework for conducting civil, constructive conversations about race and racism, using the adaptive leadership tools
- Adaptive Leadership Skills: Learning to Lead and Manage Change, Saturday, December 4, 2021 from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. The CLL Teams will be introduced to a Leading Change Model and its potential applicability to the anti-racism work. The Teams will be provided a process for developing the first draft action plan for inviting and engaging their congregations in the conversation and call to action in the LP Report. The model equips participants with ways to resolve conflict and manage the ambiguity and anxiety when change occurs.