A Retreat for Church Musicians (Aug. 2023)


Begins: Tuesday, August 22nd, 2023 Ends: Friday, August 25th, 2023


Daily: 11:00 am – 4:00 pm


Church of the Good Shepherd, 1116 E Lancaster Avenue, Rosemont, PA

2023 Rosemont Musicians Retreat

Gearing up for the next program year is always hard work. Come and refresh your souls before the fall. All church musicians, active or retired, are invited to the retreat house for prayer, rest, fellowship, hospitality, and practice. The church organ will be available for individual practice time. Meals and hospitality will be provided, as well as space for intentional prayer and reflection. Guests will be treated to a candlelight concert followed by Compline in the Lady Chapel. This is a multi-day retreat beginning Tuesday, Aug 22 (4:00 pm) to Friday, Aug 25 (11:00 am) with accommodations at our Rosemont Community Retreat House.